Thursday, September 12, 2013

I have had problems with a major telephone company known for its questionable business practices.  When I complained by phone and offered to email copies of the contract as proof that they had overcharged, the rep finally helped.  A few minutes later a supervisor called me regarding my call (they notify you at the beginning that your call will be recorded).  This company is so big, I don't think that using social media as an individual would help, but joining an existing (independent) blog could.

As an example, I did have a problem with another phone company in Arizona who passed along third party charges without question.  When I saw that I had been charged for calls I didn't make, I called the company to complain.  They told me they couldn't do anything, that if charges were sent to them they had to pass them on.  After wasting an embarrassing amount of time trying to reach this third party carrier, I started searching for them on the web.  Someone had set up a blog that had more than 1000 entries (a lot of them businesses) describing in detail the overcharges they had on their bills and the difficulty in reaching this third party carrier. Because the blog posts resembled my own complaints and experiences, I was convinced the company was a scam artist and my overcharges were not a fluke.   I filed complaints with the FCC and FTC detailing my facts and referencing the blog.  The illegal charges were reversed within a month.

 The closest I have come to using social media to communicate with a company is by sending an email via their website.  With rare exceptions, their responses are usually very timely.


  1. Hey Kate,
    That's so smart...I would have never though to go to the blogosphere to launch a complaint. It's disheartening how much of the market the larger telephone companies have, and how there's not much we can really do about (especially when you are locked into a contract). I will keep your experience in mind the next time I go to battle with my carrier!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow - Kate - These phone companies are really incredible with their poor standards for customer service - and they don't really seem to care at all!! - it is very frustrating.

    I saw Sharin (another student in our class - Confessions of a Gnome Blogger -; she also blogged about having difficulties with a phone company - in her case it was dealing with a bad cable box for the internet and cable television. They didn't seem to care about her problem much either -

    I think it is good that you found others (bloggers) having similar problems speaking online about the company - It does prove social media really is a good way for the little guy to make their voice heard and maybe - just maybe - something will get done more often by these large faceless monoliths who seem not care about their customers.

  4. I agree, that was smart. I once had trouble getting through to CitiBank via the phone, for an hour getting passed around. Finally I tweeted to them that I was suspicious of an email I received and within minutes i had the right person on the phone and it was solved. I might have talked about this in the lecture (or an upcoming one) but I don't remember. :)
